Monday, October 16, 2006

Beatlesque Drawing
Early Monday morning we had a leak around our chimney flashing from a significant amount of rain that we received and needed badly. Well, it got some books and papers wet which were in a basket on our hearth. Among them was this sketch my 14 year old drew recently(maybe in church). He was bummed and just threw it away,...but I salvaged it and let it dry and kept it cause I like it. I like the very stylized look of the hair.

My son didn't tell me it was a Beatle,...but aside from him being right handed, he sort of looks like a young Paul, maybe this is John? That was my first impression, anyway. He has had some Beatle exposure. We did go to England last summer and we did take a Beatles Walking Tour in London and a lot of photos,..and I did buy an Abbey Road poster for his room, those factors might have slightly influenced or inspired him in this sketch.

One other thing I like about Holden's picture of this rocker is his look of teen angst. With gritted teeth, no eye expression is given or needed to let us know he's serious. His angry, intense mouth also compliments his "in motion"right hand/arm, rapidly grinding his axe. The guitar is nice too. I am not sure why he took out the left arm/hand/shoulder,...though, personally(as his father), I find that it lends the work a certain Venus de Milo quality.

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