Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Satellite Radio Quandry

Well, just when I thought I was on the cutting edge with an MP3 player,...satellite radio comes along. Now I am wondering whether to trade up to an Ipod or to go with a MYFI satellite receiver or the like of small hand held units that can go into your home or your car as well. It will record 5 hours of music so you can use it like an Ipod when exercising or running(otherwise you would be SOL since it needs some type of antenna facing south or you won't get anything under a roof, or so I hear). Not sure. A few months ago, Consumer Reports said that the technology would get better and they advised to wait a little longer since the hand held units pick up was spotty at times and bad at other times. Please advise some more!

1 comment:

Jay said...

When are you going to update this blog of your's? I hope you're not waiting on me to update mine! Have we run out of things to say? In my case, the things I have to say would probably be just drivel, whining about my boring, pointless existence. And, really, noone wants to hear about that. Maybe I should take up a hobby. Maybe that's what you've done. Something exciting and new. Something so absorbing that you simply have no time to waste posting updates to a blog. Man, I wish I was that busy, that preoccupied, that interesting. But sadly, I am just an eel.