Saturday, April 22, 2006


well,'s been a while since i blogged. i think i just got burned out. needed a break, sabbatical. many times i thought of something interesting to write, but just couldn't get the energy. i think i was making it my job,....i just need to enjoy this as an outlet to express myself,...nothing else.

the last post was about my quandry between satellite or i pod. i chose satellite. i really have enjoyed it too! since i signed on with xm, they have added several genres to their line up. one was chill out,...which seems to be my default music choice now. can't really hear it on commercial,...only on yahoo launch radio or satellite(i can listen to xm satellite online also). my receiver is the delphi "my fi" that has a memory so you can record up to 5 hours of music. i use this during work outs and my work outs NEVER come close to running past 5 hours,.....4:30, but not 5. i have an antenna for my car and my home. i pick up the signal on an unused radio channel at home. i use the little cassette adapter to play it thru my vehicle speakers. signal is strong, tho sometimes the signal is cut off by wide overpasses,...but it is only momentary. overall, has been a nice experience. i have found it to be a worthy investment. i have not fully lewis and clarked all the stations yet, there's still intrigue about what all this little unit has to offer.

i will be writing more,....but i have another job that pays the bills. a blog nerd i am not, nor do i think i will be. life's too short. so many satellite channels to hear, little time.


k2 said...

i, for one, am glad you're back. i have missed reading about what is going in the town i used to live in. we just got back from cracker barrel. went to have breakfast, and later today i am playing in a golf tournament with a co-worker that his church is sponsoring. d1 and kristin are heading to the kia dealer to get the brakes check on the van. tomorrow i head out of town for training in the d.c. area. i'll be gone for two weeks. kristin is considering work camp, and a soccer camp. actually she will have to choose between them. i hope she chooses work camp! i miss y'all.

btw, i am glad you are back posting and i look forward to reading your thoughts.

Jay said...

I'm also glad you're back. I had a feeling your new gadget was keeping you preoccupied. All my efforts to drum up new business are at last showing signs of paying off. Of course, it now appears that it will be paying off in spades! So, I guess you won't be reading any blog posts from me in a while! How are the European vacation plans coming along?