Sudoku Psymon
So I have just started doing Sudoku. When I initially saw Sudoku, I immediately thought: Numbers, NO. Just as fast as you say those two words, I thought them and turned my attention to something else. I would say, I just don't do anything having to do with numbers,...that's not fun, that's work. I could as easily balance my checkbook and have just as much fun(I say no as quickly to that activity and rely on the internet to keep me updated through my online account).
I was asking my colleague in the office next to me about her opinion regarding the Jumble puzzle,...words I can do,...numbers, no. She then said she doesn't do words, but does Sudoku, but she actually said that she does SuDUKO. I asked, you mean SuDOKU,...and she looked at it and said,..I can't believe I have been pronoucing it wrong for this long. I said it's not a big deal, so I began calling it what she had, SuDUKO,...she said NO, you have to pronounce it correctly or I will never say it the right way. Anyway, she gave me the basics of Sudoku and I began playing.
Well, just in the past two weeks, I have attempted the puzzles every day. some I have completed successfully, some I have come near to completing only to find two identical numbers on one line,....and that's a BIG no no. That means something's wrong. That means if one number is wrong then many others are potentially wrong. That means that I pull my middle finger behind where my thumb joins my hand and quickly release it,...thumping a huge hole in the Sudoku puzzle. It's finished, I am finished. I will try again tomorrow.
On recent Saturdays, while my family has been away, I get up early and do the Sudoku or get my yard work done because it's going to be unbearably hot later in the day. This Saturday, I brew some coffee, grab the bag of shortbread that you may read about below, a pencil and begin to work the Sudoku puzzle on the kitchen table,...our ONLY table. I only get a few answers on paper, it really takes some figuring with some puzzles, most puzzles. If there were adding and subtracting involved, I would NOT be working these things, but it's all about patterns and that kind of challenges me. Early in the puzzle, deep into figuring what numbers I can fill in and the numbers I have to place in the upper left corner as possibilities, our male cat, Psymon, jumps up on the table(not supposed to be there, per Amy, but both cats know I am a pushover in that regard). He makes a pass purring, switching his tail, rubbing against my head that's down concentrating on the puzzle. Psymon makes another pass going the other direction. On his third pass, Psymon gets as close as possible to my pencil in the middle of writing a recent found discovered permanent number on the paper and my head, facing downward in concentration, and he parks his rump right on the paper and the Sudoku upon which I am focused. I gently pull it out from under him or shove him away(gently) and begin concentrating again. Psymon begins his same process again by passing by twice, switching tail and purring and again sits right in the middle of the section of newspaper upon which I am working. Worst of all, he doesn't even help with the answers, but sits as close as possible hoping that his fur that's rubbing off may provide some inspiration or correct answers. I have kind of figured that Sudoku Psymon is working on his own puzzle. And he has solved it rather quickly. His quandry is how to get me to pay attention to him. He has found a good solution that works every time.
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