This is the reply I got from a friend when I commented that I needed some gas,...."Eat a pickle"(some say radish or can of pork'n beans). Well, don't we all wish it was as easy as that! Another friend sent me several political cartoons with commentary on the rising prices of fuel. One pictured a service station attendant standing between a cash register with the empty cash drawer open and a gas pump, the attendant was shouting to the customer(not asking), "Fill er up!". Now with the recent catastrophe on the Gulf Coast, gas prices are spiking again. Bush just passed that huge engergy bill and the fat cat oil bidnizmen got fatter, with the high demand, they seem to be getting fatter, seems they are profiting off Americans who are down and out. That's waaaay more un-American than speaking out against the war in Iraq. We have all seen the humorous gas station signs with "arm" and "leg" and "first born", but today Reuters featured in the "most emailed" photos, a shot of a BP sign in Stockbridge, GA that was selling gas from $5.87 to $6.07! If that's not price gouging,...I don't know what is. And un-American! The energy bill recently passed by Bush will NOT give us relief at the pump, but will relieve the big oil companies' debts and increase their profits. And guess what industry "Dubby's" experience was in? The industry in which he still has many cronies?(and it's not major league baseball). What impetous do the guys in Washington have to stint rising gas prices? They don't pay for their own gas to get to work! We pay for their gas. And they don't drive or ride a bus or train or even share a cab, they have a driver in a limo or government car service pick them up at their homes every day and drive them to work. Well, it's time for them to come down from their ivory towers and stop letting us just eat cake. Alternative fuels are where the investments of our tax dollars need to go, not shoring up oil bidniz buddies. Our country's jonesing for oil all the time. And we need to stop going into bad neighborhoods to pay our criminal dealers who put on a smiling face as they take our money but would rather stabb us in the back with their squiggley knives. It's time we went into alternative fuel rehab to get the oil monkey off our backs. We falsely believe we are independent in the USA,...but really we are co-dependents and need any cheap oil pumping country that can provide us our fix. We need to just say NO to OPEC and the Saudi's, have an intervention or find a habit easier for us to support, maybe something we can "grow" on our own.
Tell "Tom" to shove his Eliminator where the sun don't shine! What he's doing is called Blog Spam. He and people like him are not just a pain in the ass, they weaken the power of the Internet. They are pollutants, gumming up the works with their waste.
My advice: In your Comments Settings, set "Show word verification for comments" to YES.
"Tom's" comment was likely generated by a bot.
Die you corrupted piece of Web filth! (Not you, I mean "Tom".)
when i read the title of this post it made me think of shirley q liquor, and titanic.
"how's yoe momma durrin?"
thats what it made me think of to. u have to have a pickle when you go and watcha movie. u just have to. well I'm gunna go.
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