Friday, September 23, 2005

• 1826 Sealy, Galveston, Texas; Sonnentheil House, 1886-87. Built by Jacob Sonnentheil, this fine "carpenter" Gothic residence was possibly designed by Nicholas J. Clayton. Clues such as a floor plan similar to other Clayton-designed residences lead to this conclusion. Unique balustrades and numerous woodworking details are outstanding features.

This is the home of friends who completely renovated it back to its original state and beauty. Certainly life is irreplaceable and we pray Rita is not successful in taking that, but we also pray she is not able to take this man-made wonder that has survived 4 other hurricanes, including the 1900 hurricane that devastated the island and "turned the tide" in city growth diverting the population to Houston instead of the, then, largest city in Texas, Galveston. God save 1826 Sealy!