Friday, April 28, 2006

Cooking with Rachel Ray

I have become a big Rachel Ray fan. She's on the food network and her claim to fame is 30 minute meals. I like her cooking style cause it's not pretentious, yet not ultra common either. It's for the novice chef,....definitely my catagory. I have three of her cookbooks. The earlier ones have more recipes,....the newer ones have photos of her and the dishes she cooks. I have found that I like having a photo of what the meal will look like, draws me in to want to cook. Speaking of dishes,.....this photo is from a pin-up layout that FHM magazine did of R.R. Very well done, yet not overdone, and quite saucy!


Jay said...

Who knew Rachel Ray looked so good under her apron and cooking outfits? She's also got a great show on Food TV, called "$40 a Day", in which she tours different cities around the country and across the world in search of great food. The catch is she's only got a total of $40 to spend in a day. Whenever I travel, I like to check out the show's web site and see what affordable, delectable suggestions Rachel has for that city. Check it out. (I don't know about London, but I know she's done Paris on "$40 a Day".)

k2 said...

i wonder if she cooks bacon in that outfit? i bet not! she's a good looking lady, but did she have to do a spread for fhm? her show is doing well enough i thought that she wouldn't have to do this to boost her show's ratings.

btw, glad you're back!

J Gregory said...

I have no complaints about Rachel Ray cooking scantilly clad or fully clothed. I think she cooks,...period.