Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Beatles in London Walking Tour

We took a walking tour in London that featured spots in London where the Beatles had once been. We met at Marylebone Station Tube stop. The station is where the opening credits of the Beatles' movie, "Hard Days Night" was filmed, with the Fab Four being chased all about the station(well, Paul was just sitting on a bench reading a newspaper in the station disguised with a mustache and goatee). In that neighborhood and the St. John Woods neighborhood, one tube stop away, we saw some early apartments of the Beatles, their short lived Apple store and of course the famous Abbey Road crosswalk and recording studios(St. John Woods stop). The story goes that the Beatles next album was going to be titled, "Everest", which was the Beatles' favorite cigarettes. The art director for the recording company wanted them to fly to Mount Everest to shoot the cover photo. John Lennon said No, he didn't want to fly a long distance to some cold mountain to take one shot for the cover, so he took the photographers outside the studios to the Abbey Road crosswalk, shot the photo and changed the name of the album to "Abbey Road".


Jay said...

Yes, I still check Cousin Elvis from time to time. No, I haven't updated The Embryo Pig Farm in FOREVER.

Cool story about how the "Abbey Road" album got its name. I never knew that. It would have been all wrong to have called it "Everest."

Just returned from Florida. Tan is already fading and peeling. Back to the grind. All work and no play makes Jay a dull boy.

Later, dude.

k2 said...

cut and paste this address, and answer the questions on your blog: