Sunday, August 20, 2006

Stray Cat

Last Wednesday evening, I was in the Minneapolis airport 2 hours ahead of my flight departure, as requested,...had no gells or liquids to get rid of before taking off. We were in a good airport to kill time,...the Minneapolis airport is one big mall. We had several selections for food and were having a difficult time deciding, two colleagues and I. I really wasn't that hungry. We finally decided on Wolfgang Puck Express. Then we had to find it. Looked at the map, went to where we thought the map directed us but there was only a small bar with many businessmen tanking up for the flight home. So we decided to just find something else, and as soon as we said that, there it was. As we walked into the restaurant I noticed someone that I thought I knew from my college days,....not a student at a conservative Christian college, he was too cool for that. This guy had his "hair piled high and his baby looked so right",....yes it was Brian Setzer of the Stray Cats of the early 80's. It could not have happened at a more opportune moment, since I had my digital camera easily accessible in my jacket pocket,...I had a pen for an authograph,...he was just waiting for a beer at the bar,....all was set for me to get all the normal fan paraphenailia,....but I chickened out. I thought I didn't want to disturb him, call attention to him, ruin his privacy. My colleagues assured me that he probably would be glad for someone to remember him and notice him. He might get a thrill if I would say something. Well,...I let him finish his beer and then I let he and his companion walk out. He was less than a foot from me. That cool rockabilly hip cat from my college era. The Rock This Town Stray Cat Struted right out of there and presumably to his flight to Los Angles. I was content and just greatful to have seen an 80's icon,...and a pretty good guitarist. I was satisfied. No regrets. Hey, I'm no groupie! Now had it been Belinda Carlisle,...I might have slipped on my drool,...depending on how far GONE that GO GO was.

Ironically, when I arrived at the Dallas airport that evening, I saw a REAL stray cat. I was riding the bus to the remote parking lot and we were picking up passengers in terminal E, when the bus driver sharply applied his brakes, I looked up in time to see a beautifully patterned cat darting in front of the bus, then wildly leaping for a pidgeon. He missed and strutted back across the street in front of us. The bus driver laughed appreciating that cat's beauty, prowess and spunk, as I did also. I saw two stray cats strutting in one day. Both were ultra cool cats.


k2 said...

wow. the only celeb i have ever seen was danny glover in narita airport while waiting to return home to the states after being away from my family for 2 years. i have to admit that i did ask him for his autograph, but lost it soon there after. i was not the only one to get his signature ... i was a bunch of other servicemen on our way home to our families. he was honored to sign.

i do appreciate your not bothering the cat, but do you think he would've minded if you said a few lines to him as he walked away? that might've let him know he was remembered.

Southern (in)Sanity said...

I have seen celebrities on occasion at the airport. Sometimes they seem to welcome attention - and sometimes they are offended by it.

But, you're right - if it had been Belinda Carlisle, you shouldn't have hesitated a second.

Jay said...

Chicken! I personally have NO SHAME. Unfortunately, I have very little courage as well. If I had been there with you, I would have made you go join me as I/we asked him to sign our cocktail napkins. If I can find my autograph from Richard Harris (spied while in town for a performance of "Camelot" in the late 80s), I'll make a scan and email it to you. Then there's my signed Debra DeJean album cover. (I believe she had only ONE album.)