Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas Memories Already

This was a family photo from our Christmas in Texas prior to hittin' the road for Alabama Monday, 12/19. We were blessed to have Eleanor and Michael Walker spend some holiday moments with us. The other two are Amy and Holden. You can use your imagination to move me from behind the camera to the composition, if you wish(maybe over Michael's right shoulder would provide some balance for the photo). Merry Christmas! Attend a church on Christmas Sunday that isn't closed in honor of Jesus's birth!(my little pet peeve that I will not go in to).


k2 said...

we miss you guys so much!

we are heading up on christmas eve to surprise my parents. we were not going to go up there this year, but now we are meeting with d1's fam earlier than we had planned, we are going to head up there after they head back to theirs homes. so we will be heading up to my brother's house to "stage" our surprise after we have pigged out over lunch.

so don't tell my parents if you see them, by chance. we are going to see them on sunday night, hopefully. when are y'all headed back?

WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS! and we will be attending a church on sunday in honor of the one that christmas was created for.

Jay said...

We're attending a special Christmas Eve service at my mom and dad's church. It starts at 11 pm and ends with communion at midnight. I remember doing this once before at their church (either the last time Christmas fell on a Sunday or the time before that) and it was a memorable way to commemorate the birth of Christ --- AND we get to linger around the Christmas tree in our jammies on Christmas morning!

Safe journeys to you travelers. Peace and blessings on everyone. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!